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If You Need Help in Getting Published....

You’ve finished your YA, what’s next?


A) Pay a professional editor $5000 and up for feedback to get ready to submit to an agent.


B) Attend a writer’s conference for $700 ( Plus additional costs for hotel, food, travel...) and pay a $200 additional fee for 15 minute feedback on your first ten pages with an editor or agent.


You see these options are not only costly, but could be a waste of time if your work isn’t publishable. Someone who wants your $5000 might not be the one to tell you the truth when there are bills to pay. Conferences have many attendees and whoever is paid to give you 15 minutes might not offer anything useful to improve your work.


Instead I offer two services for a small fee.


A) $55 for a 30 minute phone conversation where you can discuss your work, or anything about my experience in publishing, including being an Amazon Bestseller and winning two YAWRA National Awards.


B) $75 for my written feedback on your first twenty pages.



These services do NOT come with any guarantee of representation or publication.